Construction Begins on New Community Building

Construction is well under way on the new centre of excellence building that will be situated at the back of the market house in the town center of dunleer co. louth. A lot of work is being done to ensure that the new building will be ready for the upcoming launch later this year.

Work began in early February of 2024 with the main timeframe for completion to be finished and ready in only a few months.

Once completed it will be the new home for sustainable energy education and communication sessions that will be used to enhance the awareness of the benefits of retrofitting homes and large buildings with better energy efficient heating systems that will greatly decrease your carbon footprint while also benefitting from cheaper energy bills.

Progress of the new building has been moving along nicely even considering the mixed weather we’ve been having in recent times but the professionalism and determination of the construction crew are making sure that everything will be ready soon.

It hasn’t taken long for the buildings foundations to be place allowing for fast progress onto the next stage of the process.

With the construction nearing completion, all of the outer/inner walls, insulation and outer protection is being added to finalize the construction process as it nears its final stages of completion.

There is still work to do with weather proofing the building but it won’t take long before we get to see the final results.

Work on the inside of the building is also well under way will all of the signs, flooring and electrical work being put in place. 

The floor material still needs to be placed which will happen in the coming days.

There some more finishing touches that need to be added but everything is coming together nicely.

The outside of the building is almost ready along with the new beautifully painted mural on the wall right next to the center brings it all to life in the best possible way and makes everything stand out with the nice sunny weather, making it a delight to look at. 

We will update everyone nearer to the completion of the building as there will be launch day to open the building to the local community.

The Energy Teams first official meeting in the new building.